Workshops / Topics
(NEW!!) It’s Conference, Not Carnival: Is a spinoff of the Book and workshop Getting In Our Own Way: The Degradation of Student Organizations. We seek to reverse this trend and thought process of administration not seeing the value of conferences and students not focusing on the right aspects of conference, by teaching students to treat conference as a business trip; teaching them how to masterfully work the conference so that they focus on the right things, develop and can be trusted and encouraged to go to conferences. As students attending a conference is a privilege, not a birthright.
Getting in our own Way: The Degradation of Student Organizations: Across the nation, our student organizations are struggling and student governments are struggling. Many seem to be on their last leg, past their prime, etc. Organizations don’t have the activism and sacrifice of students from the 60’s and 70’s, drive of the 80’s, the urgency of the 90’s or money and participation of organizations from the early 2000’s. We seek to see if it’s a generational issue, leadership issue or are other factors the problem. We examine 6 sinister problems that are costing student organizations funding, stability, sustainability, etc. We’re often taught how to be good leaders, but never how to run good organizations, revive them or save them from peril.
Breaking the Chains, Death to Willie Lynch - Is a black history / black awareness ( great for Hispanic Heritage also) workshop, that takes a strong look at the history that slavery and colonialism had and currently has on the lives of Africans, African Americans, Caribbean’s and Latinos, who are usually overlooked, underrepresented and not historically taught about their roots in Atlantic Slave Trade. We look at all of the obstacles to our Unity, Progress, and Prosperity both home and abroad. We read and dissect, both the original letter and the new and largely unheard of New Willie Lynch Letter, to find answers to how we can solve our own problems within our community and countries of origin. Even though the Letter has been called a hoax, there is no denying the truth that can be found in it, and it being a possible hoax, has not stopped racist organizations from teaching and carrying out the mission of the letter. A message that needs to be heard and can be applied by all Africanized people, minorities, and peoples of color.
Breaking the Chains, Death to Willie Lynch 2: The Institutions of Slavery - Part two is both the prequel and the sequel to the original workshop. We continue to take a look at the history that slavery and colonialism had and currently has on the lives of Africans, African Americans, Caribbean’s and Latinos, by taking a detailed look at who benefited from slavery. We examine the institutions (countries, governments, families, businesses, etc.) that benefitted and in some cases are still benefitting from slavery.
(NEW!!!) Breaking the Chains, Death to Willie Lynch 3: How does Slavery Affect us Today ?- In part three we examine how slavery’s aftermath still affects our daily lives? We examine how slavery affects; (What we eat, where we live, superstitions, traditions, religion, etc.). Then we Break a number of myths and false teachings. We’ll also celebrate all that we have accomplished in spite of slavery, Reconstruction’s debacle, Jim Crow, and modern day problems, and lastly have a discussion about self-determining what we wish for our legacy to be and how we plan to go about achieving that legacy, so that each participant leaves the session changed and with a plan of action.
Welcome to the Real World - For college students approaching graduation. Great for career days, resume writing workshops, college outreach programs, orientations, etc. This workshop tells of experiences that soon to be grads can expect, will face and ways that they can be prepared for them before they face them.
It's Bigger than Hip-Hop: The Music behind the Culture - An in-depth series or single workshop that explains all of the elements of hip hop, looks at the various ages of hip hop, the culture, and the modern day music business. We’ll discuss all things hip hop, compare and contrast commercial mainstream hip hop vs. so-called underground, local, regional and international hip hop. We’ll look at hip-hop in a global, evolving and historical context. Created because many people like or claim to like hip hop but they actually know nothing about it, this is like hip 101 to Ph.D. A great interactive workshop.
Day Long Sessions
Leadership Training
Budget Process ( writing and presenting)
Executive Board Transition
Constitution Revision
Organization Transition / mediation
Advisor Training
*Training sessions clients are kept confidential
Available for opening ceremonies, and award banquets
Speaking Topics:
student rights
inclusion and cultural connections
student involvement
community involvement
civic engagement
Peer Pressure
Decision Making
*Custom Workshops and speeches available for specific events, contact for more info